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Heartland Cherry Packhouse, previously known as Jakimm Cherry Packhouse prides itself on packing a high quality cherry in a well recognised, international brand. These brands are Heartland Cherries, Timeness Distinction Cherries, Jakimm Naturally Pure Cherries and Ritchies Gully Cherries.
The systems for processing use some of the latest technology within the international cherry industry.
One of the latest Red Pearl cherry sorters, coupled with the latest AI technology enables Heartland Cherry Packhouse to deliver a very high standard of cherry to the world market.
This technology together with one of New Zealand's newest packhouses sets a very positive presence.
Our packhouse is located at 156 Ripponvale Road, Cromwell, where Ripponvale has been identified as one of New Zealand's best cherry growing areas.
Cromwell is an easy 45 minutes drive to one of the worlds top tourist attractions, Queenstown, where tourists and locals alike enjoy the vast, rugged but picturesque scenery and have endless opportunities to participate in one of the worlds best adventure tourism playgrounds.
Heartland Cherry Packhouse enjoys packing high quality cherries for the world export market, along with local market fruit.
The Ultimate Team
To process world class cherries, Heartland Cherry Packhouse requires the ultimate team, that works together in a team environment.
The cherry season generally starts around the middle of December each year and runs until the end of January, start of February.
At Heartland Cherry Packhouse, we are able to offer accommodation to all our seasonal workers. The facility hosts rooms for singles, couples and groups.
The packhouse also boasts a well appointed kitchen and male and female shower blocks.



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